Case Study


  • Precise, time-sensitive logistics for fresh ready-mixed concrete
  • Gradual digitization of logistics
  • Introduction of an electronic delivery note


  • Telematics app relieves drivers
  • Speed up the entire order processing and billing process
  • Greater transparency and improved customer experience
  • Smooth communication of all IT systems and improvement of data quality

More Informationn:
Website Geiger Group

Digitization and sustainability – 100 cubic meters of concrete, 0 grams of paper

Branche: Building Materials

OPHEO Products: Dispo Cockpit / OPHEO MOBILE / Predictive Planning / ixOptimizer / Tachograph Data

Working with Opheo Solutions, the Geiger group of companies has introduced the electronic delivery note at its subsidiary Allgäuer Betonpumpendienst and has therefore opened doors with its own customers. The pilot project is a further milestone in digitalization and is to be extended to other companies in the Geiger Group in the future.

Precise planning required
Delivering to construction sites requires precise logistics. This is especially true for fresh ready-mixed concrete, which must be placed within minutes of delivery. When truck mixers arrive, the truck-mounted concrete pump should usually already be ready in order to ensure quality …

Markus Rachow

Senior Sales Manager


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